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ADHD Students: Tips to help create a more focused classroom

ADHD Students: Tips to help create a more focused classroom ADHD Students and Teachers – This one is for you!

It’s back to school and the Huffington Post pulled together a great list of ADHD tips that may help teachers who have ADHD students in their classrooms. Here are a few of the tips they mention but you can see the complete list by clicking here.

  • ADHD students need structure – Make lists, tables, reminders and previews to help them keep up.
  • Make sure ADHD students sit at the front of the class or even better arrange the seats in a circle. This lets ADHD students stay focused because someone is always looking at them.
  • Make eye contact, as often as possible.
  • Use names. Nothing gets your attention quicker than your teacher calling your name.
  • Make sure they get out and enjoy recess. Physical activity is vital for mental focus.
  • Stay alert to situations that might cause over stimulation.
  • Make large tasks smaller by breaking them down into smaller more manageable sections.
  • Reward good behaviour with positive feedback. A pat on the back goes a long way to keeping ADHD students engaged.
  • Incentivize – remember how you loved getting that gold star or being able to erase the chalkboard. ADHD students respond well to incentives.

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