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Contact Us
If you would like to speak to a member of our team before getting started, please contact us at 833-482-5558 or email info@possibilitiesclinic.com

As humans grow, change is the one thing that stays the same.  Toddlers transition to Kindergarten, teens transition to high school, young adults transition to college, and adults transition to careers, retirement, and reinvention. Transitions are opportunities to become more of who we are, and to redefine our potential. Our experts will support you and your family in achieving victories in your own transitions—victories that become stepping stones for new achievements and adventures.

ADD/ADHD Assessments

We know that diagnosing ADD and ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Tourette Syndrome and associated conditions must be done with care, expertise, and uncompromising attention to detail. An accurate diagnosis is the first step towards an effective treatment plan. That is why every assessment we do involves these essential components to support diagnostic accuracy and treatment success: A team of experts from different disciplines, clinical interview sessions where we gather information about medical history and current functioning, direct testing of cognitive skills with a psychometrist, an integrated assessment meeting to review the findings, an individualized treatment plan and feedback sessions to review results with our clients.here results and treatments are discussed with the patient and/or family

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is a form of therapy where you will challenge the thoughts, feelings and habits that keep you from achieving your goals. Our clinicians will help you think differently, do differently, and feel a whole lot better about who you are and what you want to accomplish.

Psychoeducational Assessment

People with learning differences share a common story; they are bright and curious, but they aren’t doing as well as expected academically. A Psychoeducational Assessment looks for the underlying cause. It examines brain functioning in many areas: memory, processing speed, academic abilities, visual and verbal problem-solving skills, and expression of ideas. Once strengths and problem areas are identified, our team can recommend targeted and scientifically supported treatments.

Kid ADHD Coaching

Kid ADHD Coaching is a structured approach that is effective for managing ADD/ADHD symptoms that are interfering with your child’s success.  At Possibilities, we’ve created an innovative format for our young clients called  Doodle! Do! Done! In this format, your child can doodle goals, strategies, and plans that are developed with the coach. Children who would rather speak than draw can devise plans with the coach through conversations.

What is a Psychoeducational Assessment?

People with learning differences share a common story; they are bright and curious, but they aren’t doing as well as expected academically. A Psychoeducational Assessment looks for the underlying cause. It examines brain functioning in many areas: memory, processing speed, academic abilities, visual and verbal problem-solving skills, and expression of ideas. Once strengths and problem areas are identified, our team can recommend targeted and scientifically supported treatments.

What professionals are qualified to offer a Psychoeducational Assessment?

In Ontario, Psychoeducational Assessments for Learning Disabilities must be overseen by a neuropsychologist, clinical psychologist, school psychologist, or psychological associate. At Possibilities, we have psychologists in all these specialty areas to match your needs. We provide assessment services for children, adolescents and adults. French psychoeducational services are available for children and adolescents.

How are your Psychoeducational Assessments different than others?
At Possibilities, we approach Psychoeducational Assessments and Learning Disability assessments from a unique team perspective. That means we involve both psychology and medical experts in every single Learning Disability assessment that we do. A team approach—where MD expertise is added to psychology—makes our assessments of Learning Disabilities unique. Beyond cognitive and learning issues that are typically the focus of Psychoeducational Assessments, our team expertise allows for a comprehensive examination of a full range of abilities—from Attention Deficit Disorders like ADD and ADHD to mental health concerns like anxiety, depression and Tourette Syndrome.
Since we examine learning in a much broader context with added medical expertise, we do not call our offerings “Psych-ed” or “Psychoeducational” Assessments. We call them Signature Assessments. Think of what we offer as Psych-Ed/MD Assessments—a combination of psychology and medical expertise to ensure that nothing gets missed. Another unique feature of our Signature Assessments is that we offer them from the safety and comfort of your home through secure video connection. Ask our Care Coordinators whether this Telemedicine Signature Assessment is right for you.
If I’m concerned about a Learning Disability, why bother doing a comprehensive examination of everything else?

Learning differences rarely appear alone. If a Learning Disability such as Dyslexia exists, there is a very high chance that ADD or ADHD is also in the mix. And when ADD or ADHD is present, mental health challenges, like anxiety, might be in the mix, too. Strategies focused only on learning won’t be that effective if attention and mental health issues are also present and not addressed. Medical and psychological treatments may be necessary—in addition to educational interventions for learning difficulties—to ensure wellness in a full range of functioning.

At what age should I consider obtaining a Psychoeducational Assessment for either myself or my child?
Research shows that early assessment and treatment result in better learning and mental health outcomes. If you have concerns about your child’s learning at the end of Grade 1 and into Grade 2, consider a psychoeducational assessment at that time. Research shows that evidence-based treatments can overcome Dyslexia when delivered early.
However, it’s never too late! Interventions for learning challenges continue to be effective in high school, university, and into adulthood.
Can anything be done for Learning Disabilities other than accommodations and support?
Yes! Amazing change can happen with the right treatment at the right time. But recommendations can’t be general or vague. Recommendations must be targeted, specific, personalized and supported by science. At Possibilities, everything we do is data driven, from the results we receive from your Signature Assessment to what brain science tells us will improve skills.
Accommodations work around challenges, but evidence-based treatments can change the brain in fundamental ways. We’ll make recommendations for accommodations because they will always be important and helpful. But evidence-based treatments exist that can change brain circuits in remarkable ways and we offer these treatments at Possibilities.
With the right treatment at the right time, brains with Dyslexia can become reading brains; we’ve seen it at Possibilities in countless clients. Parents often say it’s a miracle but we say, “it’s neuroscience!”
What do I need to do to get started in order to book a Signature Assessment or a Telemedicine Signature Assessment?
Fill out the intake forms on our website here, or click the All Forms tab above. Once we have this form and the physician referral, our Coordinator will call you to set up an appointment. For any questions, email us at info@possibilitiesclinic.com or call 1-833-482-5558 to speak to a Care Coordinator.

Intake Form

This form is required to start the process for an assessment, or for coaching, psychotherapy, and/or academic services, and to ensure we can offer you the service(s) you require.

Requested Documents

Please send Report Cards, IEPs, and other relevant documents such as previous psychological reports. Files must be in pdf format.

Follow-up Forms (Ages 1-17)

This form should be filled out if requested by your practitioner. You must be a registered patient with the clinic and have an upcoming appointment scheduled.

Physician Referral Form

To refer a patient, please download our referral form below and fax the completed form to 1-833-482-8999. Alternatively, you can complete our online e-referral and submit it directly through our website. We are also accepting referrals through OCEAN.

Please note that we cannot accept referrals for court or medico-legal purposes, and/or cases with unresolved custody/access issues.


How can we help you?

Are you or your child living with ADHD? Are you looking for support?

Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are here to help.

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