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A New Book from Possibilities Press

Cartoon Amazing Adventures

We’re thrilled to announce the arrival of Cartoon Amazing Adventures, our inaugural publication from Possibilities Press. This book is a unique resource for children, parents, and teachers alike.

Within its pages, professional artist Andrés Pabón delivers engaging cartooning lessons, crafted with the understanding that young artists thrive with a step-by-step approach and ample opportunities to work on specific skills. Lessons include space for practice. Following the lessons, over 50 blank pages with cartoon panels await, ready for young artists to cartoon their own adventures!

We’ve worked hard to ensure that Cartoon Amazing Adventures offers additional resources beyond its unique art instruction guide. Psychiatrist Dr. Doron Almagor and Neuropsychologist Dr. Brenda Miles, both clinicians at Possibilities, have contributed Expert Ideas throughout the book. Their insights cover cartooning as a tool for children to identify and label emotions, to help accomplish multi-step tasks, to support memory, and to promote creativity.

A detailed note at the back of the book entitled, Doodle Ideas for Parents and Teachers, explores how doodling can support cognitive, academic, and social-emotional functioning. The practical strategies outlined by Dr. Almagor and Dr. Miles  can be implemented at home and school.

At Possibilities, Cartoon Amazing Adventures is now our go-to comic book resource for our Doodle! Do! Done! Coaching program. Over years of working with young clients, we’ve recognized that doodling can be an engaging, creative, and effective tool to support Executive Functioning Skills [EF] and social-emotional development. In Doodle! Do! Done! coaches help kids break down tasks into smaller steps when EF skills are the focus. Clients draw these steps into sequenced cartoon panels and work through them when it’s time to complete the tasks. Cartooning also makes thoughts, feelings, and actions visible and sequenced in social stories and in therapeutic approaches like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy [CBT]. Kids can identify key steps for studying, and for writing structured stories and essays for school success using a comic book structure, too. At Possibilities, adolescents and adults who find visuals more engaging than writing lists and reminders take part in our Doodle, Do, Done format using our comic book, a sketchbook, or a journal. 

Cartoon Amazing Adventures is a unique blend of art instruction and psychological insight, with expert strategies for parents and teachers for promoting creativity, executive functioning, academic achievement, and social-emotional skills. It can be used in coaching. It can be used in therapy. It can be used in tutoring. It can be used for FUN!

Cartoon Amazing Adventures is available for purchase here. Don’t miss the opportunity to add this innovative resource to your collection!

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