The Possibilities Clinic is pleased to present:
A Free Lecture for Parents, Caregivers, Teachers & Other Professionals of Children and Teens Aged 6 to 19
Lecturers: Doron Almagor, M.D., F.F.C.P. (C) (Psychiatrist) &
Brenda Miles, Ph.D., C. Psych.
February 3, 2015 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
The University of Toronto George Ignatieff Theatre
15 Devonshire Place, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2C8
(near Bloor & Bedford Avenues)
Registration is FREE, but you must call to reserve your seat:
(416) 482-5558 or register online here.
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Learn more about our overnight camp for kids and teens with ADHD,
autism, OCD, anxiety and other special needs.
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In 2010 Ontario report cards changed
Grades, previously on the front page, moved to the back, and learning skills & work habits became front and center. Experts in the development of children and adolescents now believe that what’s important for long-term success and well-being is less about grades and more about skills like optimism, curiosity, perseverance, and self-control—skills that map nicely onto the learning skills & work habits on your child’s report card!
Attention is a key ingredient for many of these skills, but are other factors important, too? Some leading thinkers in the field have argued that a growth mindset is essential. But how do you nurture a growth mindset in your child? And once your child is eager and optimistic, how might you nurture perseverance so tasks get done without big frustrations for you and your child?
Dr. Miles will explore DIY (non-medical) strategies for building optimism and stick-to-it-ness in children. Dr. Almagor will continue the discussion, examining how medication treatment can help as an adjunct to these new approaches in children and adolescents with ADHD.
Parents face difficult decisions when considering medical options for attention challenges. When should a medication trial be considered? What are the best strategies for initiating a medication trial to maximize the chances of your child’s success? What are some common myths associated with medication treatment? And what are the common mistakes that can be avoided to help ensure benefits and reduce side effects? Together, Drs. Almagor and Miles will lead a discussion to help parents promote their children’s striving at school and thriving at play!